


从收购前的瑞丰乐投letou尽职调查到帮助优先考虑资本支出和最小化运营成本的服务, Nova is a trusted partner throughout the total ownership cycle. 进行环境评估,以确定与现场和非现场活动有关的潜在环境状况. A phased approach allows the client to maximize 信息 obtained while minimizing costs. 物业状况评估(PCA)通常用于评估建筑系统的剩余使用寿命. 通过这样做, Nova can assist its clients with preserving capital expenditures, while at the same time extending the useful life of critical building components and systems.


Nova现场专业人员和团队领导在为私人客户进行和管理环境现场评估(ESA)方面拥有丰富的经验, 银行, and government agencies all over the country. Nova员工经过培训,可以根据ASTM E1527-13进行或审查I期调查, the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI), 房地美(Freddie Mac), 房利美DUS, 美国住房与城市发展部 guidelines or specific lender requirements. Projects range from vacant land to industrial manufacturing, 布朗菲尔德网站, 石油设施, 石油/天然气属性, 电信网站. Nova’s staff has a strong understanding of facility operating systems, 州和联邦法规, and fate and transport of chemicals through air, 土壤, 地表水, 和地下水.  另外, Nova has staff trained in specific areas of expertise who are available to consult as needed.




进行环境现场评估(ESA),以确定与现场和非现场活动有关的潜在环境问题. A phased approach allows clients to maximize 信息 obtained while minimizing costs.


Nova begins with routine research and on-site reconnaissance.  随后的调查阶段进一步确定关注的领域并评估纠正措施.


  • 审查与现场和周边地区有关的地形/地质/水文地质信息

  • Review of historical land use activities at the site

  • 审查监管信息

  • 现场侦察

  • 周边物性观察



Many clients require scopes of work specifically tailored to meet their needs. Nova员工熟悉ASTM E1527-13一期环境评估的具体要求, 房利美和房地美, 瑞丰乐投letou Investment Trusts (REIT), 美国住房与城市发展部, as well as other lender-specific requirements.

  • 含铅油漆

  • 石棉

  • 保护历史古迹

  • 泛滥平原管理

  • 湿地保护

  • 濒危物种

  • 噪声分析

  • Explosive/Flammable Hazards/Hazardous Industrial Operations

  • 唯一水源含水层

  • 机场禁区

  • Additional Hazards and Nuisances (covers, pipelines, etc.)

  • Wild and Scenic Rivers/Unique Natural Features

  • 环境正义

  • Soil Stability, Erosion and Drainage

  • 分区

  • Water Supply/Sanitary Sewers and Solid Waste Disposal

  • 学校/公园/社会服务

  • Emergency 健康 Care, Fire and Police 服务

  • Commercial/Retail and Transportation

  • 水质/清洁水法

  • 蒸气入侵


Ray Hutchison | Senior Vice President, New York, NY

电子邮件 | 201-391-0520


Phase II Subsurface Investigations

在确定与给定财产的现场和非现场活动相关的环境问题后, Nova经常建议进行地下调查,以进一步评估已确定的环境问题对地下土壤的影响, 土壤蒸气, and/or groundwater and any resulting risks to human health or the environment.  所有调查均按照适用的当地法规要求进行.


Nova’s technical staff includes on-site, 项目经理, 专业地质学家和工程师,在执行瑞丰乐投letou尽职调查和现场重建调查方面具有丰富的经验.





健康 and safety are always a concern, 因此,Nova在进行地下调查之前准备了一份现场健康和安全计划(SHSP). 安全安全计划确定健康和安全风险,并预先制定必要的应急程序和响应协议.


瑞丰乐投letou官网, GBC (NG钻井), 是否提供了地下土壤, 土壤蒸气, 和地下水 sampling services to its clients on more than 500 project sites, using hydraulic direct-push probing/drilling applications. Nova采用轨道安装的6620 Geoprobe®和卡车安装的5400 Geoprobe®使用Macro-Core, 双管, 以及螺旋钻技术. Nova’s equipment is used for 土壤 和地下水 sampling, groundwater monitoring well installations, vapor point installations and sampling, sub-slab permanent vapor point installations, 飞行员测试. Nova’s track-mounted unit offers unique capabilities, 包括在常规设备无法操作的通道有限或可用空间有限的地区的专门机动性.

  • 地下钻井/探测

  • Soil, Soil Vapor and Groundwater Sampling

  • Groundwater Monitoring Well Installations

  • 地下水模拟

  • 补救的调查

  • 法规遵从性报告


Mark Perry | Environmental Assessment & 修复组

电子邮件 | 612-275-1997



Nova为全国众多抵押贷款和建筑贷款机构提供财产状况评估服务. Many projects involve Fannie Mae, 房地美(Freddie Mac), HUD, and rating agency guidelines.  服务 are provided for multifamily residential, 商业, 热情好客, 新建筑, 工业设施.

Property Condition Assessment 服务

物业状况评估 are often required as part of pre-purchase, owner-commissioned, 或者再融资交易. Nova的服务包括实地考察,以评估物业的总体状况和维护历史,并评估结构的整体设计和施工.  All available on-site project and construction documentation is reviewed, and interviews with property managers, 租户, and 当地的 officials are conducted.

Nova的财产状况报告提供了关于所有场地和建筑改进的条件和充分性的叙述,并包括表格和信息, including items of deferred maintenance, estimates of immediate and annual replacement reserves, and comments on the buildings’ conformance with code, 艾达, 未完成工作, 及符合房屋管理局的规定.


第三方审核报告, 储备表, 进行其他财产评估,以通知客户现有报告的完整性和符合ASTM和贷方标准. Deficiencies are identified, and recommended solutions are provided.


Ray Hutchison | Senior Vice President, New York, NY

电子邮件 | 201-391-0520

Expanded Property Condition Assessment 服务 - For Equity Clients

When performing due diligence prior to acquisition, Nova is aware that buyers’ risk tolerance may vary. 其股权市场集团提供超出ASTM基准标准的扩展尽职调查服务. 在股票市场集团内部, clients will find experienced architects, 工程师, certified roof and building envelope professionals, and construction specialists who can provide expanded assessments of building structure, 封闭的系统, 内部操作, 生命安全系统. Nova可以组建一个评估小组,以满足客户的期望,并提供足够的房产信息,以更好地了解收购风险. Nova报告有详细的照片记录,并包括可能的成本意见,以弥补所观察到的物理缺陷,并有助于在所有权期间分配资本.


  • Expanded Equity Level Property Condition Assessment and Report

  • Seller Disclosure Property Condition Assessment Report

  • 结构状况评估

  • 地震风险评估

  • Building Envelope (Roof and Exterior) Assessment

  • 停车场评估

  • Forensic Analysis and Remedial Design

  • 屋顶更换设计

  • Facade Consulting, Design and Construction Oversight

  • BOMA面积测量

  • 艾达合规性审计


Doug Knight | Equity Group Director

电子邮件 | 614-704-8766



Nova内部的代理服务小额贷款司进行现场检查,以评估物业建筑物的一般状况和结构要素. Document reviews are also conducted to review planned capital expenditures. Nova针对小额余额贷款(SBLs)的实物风险报告(PRR)和针对小额抵押贷款(sml)的精简实物状况评估(Streamlined Physical Condition Assessment)符合相关的房地美(房地美(Freddie Mac))或房利美(Fannie Mae)指南,并提供了关于场地和建筑改进的条件和充分性的叙述, including the required forms and
信息. Nova’s Environmental Screen also complies with 房地美(Freddie Mac) or Fannie Mae Guidelines. 进行交易筛选以确定现场活动的潜在环境问题(PECs), 线下活动, 遵守联邦法规, 状态, 以及当地机构.


Nova’s team members have extensive experience performing and managing high quality, 彻底的, 及时报告. 我们的员工包括注册建筑师、专业工程师和施工专家. 诺瓦的身体评估员工对设施操作系统有深刻的理解, MEP系统, 建筑完成, 结构系统, 生命安全系统, 和艾达无障碍遵守. Nova’s ESA employees are trained in facility operating systems, 联邦, 当地的, and 状态 regulatory requirements, and transport of chemicals through air, 土壤, 土壤蒸气, 地表水, 和地下水. 另外, Nova may consult with staff located nationwide when needed, who are specialists and leaders in their field.


  • 房地美(Freddie Mac) Small Balance Loan (SBL) Physical Risk Report (Form 1104)

  • 房地美, 可靠的, Easy Decision (FRED) Physical Risk Report (Form 1108) with Environmental Screen Plus Radon

  • 房利美精简了小型抵押贷款项目的身体状况评估和环境筛选

What is the Nova Small Balance Difference?



Nova创建了一个符合房地美标准的小额余额贷款物理风险和交易屏幕报告,总结了表格1104中确定的物理风险项目. The report evaluates items such as deferred maintenance, 关键和优先维修, 操作维修, and the capital needs over the term of the mortgage, 一切都在一个简洁的总结. 除了, 在交易屏幕中确定的潜在环境问题(PECs)以及确定所需替换储备的财产的总体状况在摘要中进行了描述. This report allows clients to understand at a quick glance the findings of Form 1104.


Angela Scott | National Account Manager

电子邮件 | 214-236-9981


Feel free to ask us about our full range of environmental products and services.


